For Clubs

Clubs are the backbone of a strong whitewater kayaking program. The AWA strongly backs the formation, development and sustainment of clubs to foster whitewater kayaking throughout Alberta. Check out the resources and information in the subsequent sections to start and / or enhance the great work that your club is already doing.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call or write

We Paddle Resources and Templates

The We Paddle Resources offer a framework for clubs to design inclusive paddling programs by drawing on insights from the2024  We Paddle Projects - Paddling Communities / Clubs from coast to coast. 

There are practical session planning examples, templates to use, and key strategies for addressing the diverse needs of participants while ensuring safe and welcoming environments. 

The 10 core principles that came out of the We Paddle projects were informed through community consultation and expert input, with attention to instructor training, infrastructure differences, and funding challenges. Ultimately, these resources serve as flexible tools for clubs to adapt programming to their unique contexts and engage underrepresented communities in paddle sports.

CKC Code of Safety - April 2025

How to Start a club

The AWA has prepared some information to assist you in starting a club, what you need to know about getting the club registered and what services and benefits the AWA can provide in building a successful kayaking program for your community. 

What kind of a paddling club do you want to start. Is it a social club for adults to paddle with or oriented to youth or competition. Download this document that gives some insight into paddling in Alberta, our clubs and how they are set up.  So you want to start a kayak club.pdf

Should you incorporate the club as a society and what are the steps. This government document tells you why you should form a Non-Profit Society to protect you and your family.   Societies Info.pdf

These three documents walk you through the government's process to form a society and what the fees will be. You will not be eligible to form a charity but you can form a society.
NUANS Reports.pdf

Club Incorporation Fees.pdf

You will need to develop a set of Objects and Bylaws for your Club. There are templates on the government websites but these two templates are built for paddling clubs and have been approved in the past by Alberta Corporate Registries and the Alberta Gaming & Liquor Commission. If you need these pdf files in a Word Doc. file to fill out, please contact the AWA office to have them sent to you
Club Registration Form.pdf

XXX Club Society Objects.pdf

XXX Club Bylaws 2015.pdf

Lastly we want to encourage your club to become affiliated with the rest of the whitewater clubs in Alberta and take advantage of the services and programs that we can offer to you and the members in your club. Take a look at this document to see what we can offer you.

If this appeals to you then we would welcome your application to become a member of the Alberta Whitewater Association. Membership applications are vetted by the AWA Executive Director and then approved by the AWA Board of Directors. You will need to submit your Objects, Bylaws, Membership List, and the New Club Application form

Why your Club should join the AWA (2015).pdf

New Club Application.pdf

Developing your Club

Here are some resources to develop programs, facilities and activities for your Club. Every 5 years the Alberta Government surveys Albertans to determine what they are actively doing and what they want to do. Paddling sports consistently ranks very high and this document supports that finding. Alberta Recreation Survey 2022   Alberta Recreation Survey 2017 chart 3.pdf    Alberta Recreation Survey 2017 chart 4.pdf     AB-Rec Survey-2013.pdf   



Many clubs have good relationships with their local pool to get started. Attached are some documents on why Pools need to have kayaking in their pool and why it can benefit their operating plan.

Schools in Pools - Pool Business Plan1.pdf 

Financial Plan for kayaks in pools.pdf


Another good mechanismm to introduce your community to kayaking is through your local school. This document is intended for teachers but you can use it with your local school to help them understand why they need to get their classrooms into a kayak this year. 

Physical Literacy 1.pdf
Paddle for Life 2015 Schools.pdf

Your club's ability to run programs will be limited by the type of facility that you have to teach and train on. This template is intended to help you look at the possibility of transforming a pond, lake, creek or river into a functional facility for paddling sports. If you have an idea that you want to kick around please reach out to the AWA's Executive Director for help. 403-628-2336 or

Whitewater Paddling Centre Template.pdf


To be successful you will need access to some funding. Government Grants, Casinos, Special Events are all ways for your club to earn money to buy equipment, rent facilities and pay for Instructors.

One of the easiest forms of fundraising is to run a casino. It takes 2 days work with 17 shifts each day. Your organization must have financial records and programming for 2 years before you can apply. Edmonton & Calgary groups will earn about $70,000 every 21 months. This translates into $40,000/year. Groups outside the cities earn about $40,000 every 36 months and this translates into $10-$15,000/year.

Your club has to have this clause in its bylaws before you can apply, specifying how any assets will be handled in the event of the dissolution of your society.   Bylaw Addition.pdf

To apply you will need to tell the AGLC what you do and how you will spend your money. These forms can help you through that process.   COMMUNITY BENEFIT STATEMENT - generic.pdf    Casino application generic.pdf

The Alberta Community Initiatives Program can provide up to $75,000 in capital funding and $75,000 in operational funding to your club. More information and templates to follow.MARKETING

To be successful you will need to let people know who you are and what you are doing. The Club Marketing Manual will help you to tell your story and enlist more people to support your club.
Club Marketing Manual.pdf


Club Membership Payment

Yearly Club AWA Dues and individual AWA fees can be paid HERE

Event Sanctioning Policy & Form

Events bring people together from around Alberta and beyond to enjoy whitewater and people. In an effort to create a consistently safe experience for participants and to follow AWA's policies and insurance commitments, the following Event Sanctioning Policy and short Application Form has been created.

  • Government of Alberta
  • Coach Canada
  • La Farge
  • AQ Outdoors Logo
  • Jumpstart Badge Logo
  • DeLauretis Wealth Management
  • InMotion Logo
  • Canoe Kayak Canada