For Pools

The Makadiff Sports Group helped the AWA reach out beyond our clubs to communities that wanted to train their lifeguards to teach kayaking in their swimming pools. This video profiles our success in 2016-17 to expand into school physical education programs as part of the school curriculum.

These documents will provide useful information about why kayaking is a great activity for swimming pools, what the cost of a kayak program would be, what revenues can be generated to offset the cost of kayaking and how to get your lifeguards trained to run a kayak program.

Schools in Pools - Pool Business Plan1.pdf

Financial Plan for kayaks in pools.pdf

Pool Instructor Jan 2015.pdf

Go to this link to get a video on kayaking and the benefits for children to get into a kayak before the age of 12 for boating safety and physical literacy.

Kayak for Life promo video

Kayak for Life full video

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