Women's Whitewater Weekend - Jasper

Welcome to the Women’s Whitewater Weekend! We’re so excited to host this event again and we’re looking forward to a wicked gathering of ladies!

This year Women’s Whitewater Weekend will be held in Jasper National Park from July 7-9, 2023. We will be at the Whirlpool group campsite, a comfortable riverside location with lots of nearby river runs in scenic surroundings.


  • Friday instructors and volunteer leads/sweeps can meet to do familiarization runs, time TBC
  • Saturday: 9:30am group meetup
  • Sunday: 10:00 group meet (after camping pack up)

Participation Options:


Separate Courses within the weekend:

  • Novice Paddlers Program: We are offering 6 spaces for novice paddlers in a 2 day course offered via BVKC Instructor Elissa McColl. COURSE REGISTRATION
  • Intermediate Paddlers Program: We are offering 12 spaces for intermediate paddlers on 1 day courses with Hannah from AQ outdoors. COURSE REGISTRATION
  • Peer led river runs: To participate independently over the weekend, you must have the ability to self-rescue on a class II river.

All women, transgendered, and non-binaries are welcome. Please don’t register or attend if you’re a cis male.

Event Type
  • Government of Alberta
  • Coach Canada
  • La Farge
  • AQ Outdoors Logo
  • Jumpstart Badge Logo
  • DeLauretis Wealth Management
  • InMotion Logo
  • Canoe Kayak Canada