Sundre Paddle Fest - hosted by BVKC

Register Now!

Friday, July 1st, to Sunday, July 3rd, 2021
Registration open!
You need to sign up for this event! Walk-ins will be charged $75. Please don't walk in. sign up!
tickets are non refundable!
Price is per camping unit/thing.
in the "equipment needed" section please put in the number of people in your party!

Join us for the 2021 Sundre Paddle Fest, hosted by the Bow Valley Kayak Club!

New this year: guided river trips!
The BVKC will be running guided (not instructed) trips on the lower class 2 section. This will be led by certified and experienced coaches. The cost for this will be $40.
You HAVE to be a BVKC or AWA member to take part in this and you HAVE to be comfortable on class 1 and 2 with the ability to eddy turn and ferry, and wet exit and swim safely. 
If you would like to take part in this guided trip please email:

You must be Alberta Whitewater Association member. We encourage you to join the Bow Valley Kayak Club here:

We have booked the group site at sunset guiding. 
Sunset guiding
102028 Panther road
Sundre, AB
T0M 1X0

Tents and camping trailers/rv (nothing humungous, mind you) are all allowed in the group site. Which is the big ol' patch of grass on the left as soon as you enter the property from panther road.

Upon arrival on the Friday afternoon/evening please endeavor to find a BVKC representative (probably robbie) and check in. 
Then enjoy a weekend of gorgeous boating and two nights of camping at a really nice river-side campground with showers and toilets that flush!

There is a cookhouse that you can buy food at and there are cabins available. Many luxuries await. Contact sunset guiding directly for questions about these.

There will be many river trips happening over the weekend. for anyone who is new to the area please co-ordinate with your club or any Bow Valley Kayak Club Representative on the Friday night and we will get you on the water!

Any questions please get in touch at:

Or you can find the programming director, Robbie, at:

See you there!

Register Now!

Event Type
  • Government of Alberta
  • Coach Canada
  • La Farge
  • AQ Outdoors Logo
  • Jumpstart Badge Logo
  • DeLauretis Wealth Management
  • InMotion Logo
  • Canoe Kayak Canada