Women's Whitewater Weekend - Brierlies


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Welcome to the Women’s Whitewater Weekend! We’re so excited to host this event again and we’re looking forward to a wicked gathering of ladies!

This year we’re going to be based at the Brierlies Wave and camping at Rocky Mountain House Historical National Park. The campground is right next to the Brierlies wave. Brenna Kelly will be teaching surfing and freestyle kayaking on Saturday and Sunday.

To participate independently over the weekend, you must have the ability to self-rescue on a class II river. Other paddlers will assist with rescues when possible, but you are always the person primarily responsible for your own safety. Since this is a surfing event, it is not a beginner event. Paddlers must be able to eddy in and out on class II and should have a minimum experience of 20 days kayaking on moving water (if an experienced kayaker has invited you to attend the event with them, and they are taking responsibility for you, then you are welcome to attend with that person).

This year’s event will be primarily surfing, so participants with a solid roll will get the most out of the event. We suggest participants bring a playboat or half-slice kayak.

Registration is $75 per person which includes surfing and freestyle instruction from Brenna Kelly. Camping is an additional $66 per site for two nights. Our hold on campsites is now closed, so if you would like to camp, please book your site directly through parks: https://reservation.pc.gc.ca/RockyMountainHouseNationalHistoricSite/RMHCampground?Map

(We have sites 14-20, 36-37 occupied, try to get a site close to us if possible)

If you do not have a National Parks Pass, there will be an additional National Park fee of $8.50/day. There is a maximum of two sleeping units per campsite and one vehicle additional vehicles can be parked in a separate parking lot.

This Brierlies wave is an excellent venue for learning to perform rescues, and we will try to pair experienced rescuers with less experienced rescuers so more ladies can become confident in their rescuing skills in moving water.

All women, transgendered, and non-binaries are welcome. Please don’t register or attend if you’re a cis male.

You must be an AWA (Alberta Whitewater Association) member to attend this event. You can become an AWA member directly for $15: https://www.albertawhitewater.ca/individual-membership or join your local club that’s affiliated with AWA: https://www.albertawhitewater.ca/find-club

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  • DeLauretis Wealth Management
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  • Canoe Kayak Canada