AWA Membership Drive 2024 - Month of April

Become an AWA member, either directly or through a club before May 1 and get entered into a draw from some great prizes.

Register Now!

Prizes & Winners

  • AQ Outdoors - NRS Zen PFD - Gayle M
  • Chinook Rafting - Raft trip on the Kananaskis - Barb S
  • Kootenay PDL - Swag - Cheyanne B
  • AWA - Canoe Meadows Camping weekend - Winston D
  • AWA - Swag - Robert B
  • AWA - Event entry (Provincial race or AWA sanctioned festival) - Ellen H


Thank you to our sponsors of this initiative! As of May 1 we are at 1055 members! (+200 more than this time 2023)




Kootenay PDLKootenay PDL - WEBSITE

Event Type
  • Government of Alberta
  • Coach Canada
  • La Farge
  • AQ Outdoors Logo
  • Jumpstart Badge Logo
  • DeLauretis Wealth Management
  • InMotion Logo
  • Canoe Kayak Canada