Alberta Cup Final & Club Wrap-up Potluck!

Event Item
BVKC and WKC Club Wrap-up Potluck & Alberta Cup Final 
Canoe Meadows, Kananaskis River 

Saturday, September 9th - Sunday, September 10th

We would like ALL race participants, coaches AND volunteers to register for this event.

Glass and plastic boat classes - Novice and advanced race courses

The $20 race fee is being waived for any Alberta Team Alumni; you must be an AWA member to race (you can join the AWA prior to the race).

Clinic fees are $25/session or a free Sunday river run (including babysitting) 

After online registration closes on September 8th, remaining fees will be collected at 9am on Saturday morning at Canoe Meadows

Schedule (subject to water schedule):

PM - Camping set-up and paddling
9am - Registration
10am - Training/Clinic on flatwater
11am - Judging Clinic
2pm - Water on
3pm - Slalom Race
5pm - River Run
7pm Potluck!
10am - Beginner Race (with water off)
2:30 - River Run

Heart Mountain Store -

  • Government of Alberta
  • Coach Canada
  • La Farge
  • AQ Outdoors Logo
  • Jumpstart Badge Logo
  • DeLauretis Wealth Management
  • InMotion Logo
  • Canoe Kayak Canada