3-Rivers Rendezvous

Plans are finalized for the May Long weekend, May 17-20 for the 3 Rivers Rendezvous. We are going to be back at the Castle River Rodeo Campground this year thanks to the generous support from our sponsors.

If you want to camp down in the cottonwoods, you will have to book directly with the Lions Club. https://lionscastlerivercampground.com/shop/

The rest of us will be camped in the field south of the playground.

For information on our club event and to register, go to our website https://www.pinchocrowcreekers.com/3-rivers-rendezvous

Looking forward to having you join us and share in the fun at Alberta's first major gathering for the 2024 paddling season.

Event Type
  • Government of Alberta
  • Coach Canada
  • La Farge
  • AQ Outdoors Logo
  • Jumpstart Badge Logo
  • DeLauretis Wealth Management
  • InMotion Logo
  • Canoe Kayak Canada