Brierlies Whitewater Festival

Event Item

Brierlies Whitewater Blowout is back for it's second year! After a successful event in 2016 we are planning hard to ensure another smooth and fun weekend for everybody. The goal of the festival is to ensure that everybody has FUN on the water. Although there are some competitions, these are intended to be fun and not stressful, so please jump into whatever events your heart so desires!

Cost for the event is $80 and includes steak supper, breakfast, and lunches on the river, as well as camping, clinics, and event registrations. There is also a spectator option for those that are accompanying a paddler (but not paddling themselves). If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jodi.

Event Registration Page


8am Registration
9am Beginner Run
12pm Freestyle Clinic
3pm Slalom Cross
5pm Supper


8am Breakfast
9am Beginner Run
9am Alberta Cup Slalom
11am Plastic Boat Slalom
12pm Freestyle Rodeo
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